This post talks about a cool feature I needed and found a way to solve.
I wanted a way to cross fade between effects and didn't want to use sends.
I decided to go with racks , since I've already seen cool demos of switching between effects using chains, I decided to try and crossfade between them.
First of all, let's put a nice pad on the floor playing a I-IV progression. I chose Operator->Synth->Pad->5th Pad and put a 2 bar loop of a C note and an F note:
Now let's drag an Auto Filter after the whole operator chain mess and group it (right click the auto filter bar and press group):
Rename the first chain to "Pulsing" and add another two chains - "Down Step" and "Clean". Drag another auto-Filter into the "Down Step" chain:
What we have now are three different channels to choose from - two effects and one clean one.
Now press solo on the first chain ("pulsing") and create a nice pulsating sound using the frequency settings of the autofilter:
Now solo the second chain ("down step") and create another linear frequency effect. I put the filter on Hi Pass mode with an initial filter of 4.8khz and a Q of 2.26 for a cool resonance effect.
and put on a nice envelope for a down step feeling:
So now we have 3 channels in one, A nice pulsating effect, A cool down step and a clean channel. Let's create three 64 bar,unlinked envelopes on the mixers of each chain: start with a clean effect, move on to the pulsing and finish it off with the down step. Remeber to unsolo the chains and unlink the envelopes:
Now sit back,press play and let the next two minutes sweep over you :)
Wanna contribute a cool tip?
email me : fireballgames AT hotmail DOT com
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