Thursday, June 18, 2009

The making of Calliope MK I - DIY in the rough

Here's an off-topic post :D

Ever on the lookout for exercises in futility, I've decided to build my own midi controller for Ableton Live.
What I wanted was a way to trigger loops and sounds without using my laptop. I got some cool ideas snooping around on the internet and decided to build my very own DIY midi controller.

I always find it hard to decide what I want for my birthday. This year the choice was easy, Arcade Buttons!
My Mom and Brother bought me 52 really cool arcade buttons and thus the project began.
I have an old Fatar midi keyboard I never use so I decided to take the plunge. I took it apart and found out how to cause MIDI events

After a million hours of connecting wires and checking that everything works it was time to build the chassis.
I asked my dad for some help here (carpentry not being my forte) and we set to work drilling holes .
Next we put the buttons in

Wiring it all together

And here is the completed project (more pictures and videos coming soon):

Wanna contribute a cool tip?
email me : fireballgames AT hotmail DOT com
Feel like being a good sport?
Add me as a friend on myspace!


  1. awsome, wish i had the patience to try something like that

  2. Not only do you need patience , but extreme boredom ;-)
