Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Musical Mutes - using midi jedi tricks

Hi there,
Today we're going to make muting more musical. When I use the channel mute button I get two very annoying side effects:

* long sustaining drum sounds get cut abruptly

* when returning from mute , long sustaining notes suddenly play (only their tail)

So how do we do a musical mute, basically telling a single drum part of the kit to stop and start playing?

Lets get started!

first create a drum rack.

Then drag a sample into the drum rack , I used Freddie the Freeloader by Miles and captured a horn hit.

next drag a "note length" midi effect before the simpler:

set the mode to SYNC and the time to zero.
now press ctrl-k and map the "q" button to the device on/off.
make a short midi clip with long and short notes and start pressing the "q" button once in a while to feel just how cool this tip I gave you is ;-)
p.s. I mapped the on/off button to an on/off button on my BCR2000, So this trick is cool for midi controllers as well.

Wanna contribute a cool tip?
email me : fireballgames AT hotmail DOT com
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